Today (as of November 2022), Luisenstadt eG has around 585 registered members who meet once a year for the General Assembly (GA). The management board and supervisory board meet once a month for a joint session.


General Assembly

The General Assembly is held once a year.
The General Meeting deliberates on:

  • The annual report of the Management Board.
  • The report of the Supervisory Board.
  • The report on the statutory audit.

The General Meeting is also responsible for passing resolutions on:

  • The adoption of the annual financial statements
  • The appropriation of the balance sheet profit
  • Covering the accumulated loss
  • The appropriation of legal reserves for covering losses
  • The discharge of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board
  • The election and dismissal of members of the Executive Board and Supervisory Board
  • The amendment of the Articles of Association
  • The exclusion of a member
  • The dissolution of the cooperative and the election of liquidators
  • All matters for which resolutions by the General Meeting are required by the Articles of Association or by law.

The General Assembly takes place once a year. Current meeting dates can be found on the home page under “dates”.



Executive Board

The three-member executive board manages the cooperative and is elected every two years by the General Assembly.

The current board members are: Ragnar Bergt, Stephan Göbel and Uta Jugert.



Supervisory Board

The Supervisory Board consists of two representatives of each house. It is elected by the Annual General Meeting for a period of two years.

The current chairmen of the Supervisory Board are:
Robert Lange and Johannes Schleusener



Rental Group

The Luisenstadt eG leasing group is a subsidiary body of the Supervisory Board for the allocation of leasable apartments and commercial space. It consists of five voting members. The members are selected again from the supervisory board members for each allocation. The leasing group makes recommendations to the executive board, which are generally implemented—provided they are not contrary to the interests of the cooperative.



Working Groups

In a neighborhood with the highest rent increases in Germany, our cooperative houses have become sought-after islands. The current socio-ecological challenges are immense and require new strategies and actions in many areas. Our working groups are open to all members and curious non-members who are interested in shaping the future and preserving the way we live and work together. Here is an overview of the current working groups:

AG Energie

Not least due to recent developments and political course-setting in terms of climate protection, we must contribute to climate improvement and better air in an inner-city residential neighborhood and transform the energy supply in the long term.


AG Kommunikation

The aim of the "AG Kommunikation" is to improve the internal and external communication of the cooperative and thus contribute to lively networking and better understanding and cohesion.


AG Wohnen im Alter

Guided by the central question of how our aging members want to grow old together, topics such as old-age poverty, elderly care, and mobility arise. In addition to implementing sensible building measures, it is important to ensure a heterogeneous age structure.


AG Freifunk

Building and maintaining a free network for our members independently is also an objective for us to strive for. The AG Freifunk is concerned with the future of a free Wi-Fi infrastructure.


Luisenstadt eG is a member of the Bündnis Junger Genossenschaften (Alliance of Young Cooperatives)